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The Mission

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        Pro-Life in the Public Square (PLPS) is a new organization dedicated to strengthening the “public square outreach” branch of our movement. Public square outreach engages the BROAD spectrum of public sentiment to change hearts, minds, souls, and votes. Examples of public square outreach are Life Chain, overpass outreach, protesting Walgreens pharmacies, yard signs, billboards, displays at county fairs, tabling on college campuses, and more. The sole purpose of Pro-Life in the Public Square is to assist and financially support other local groups in their
public square outreach.

         It is useful to think of public sentiment as three segments:

              - the pro-life faithful,

              - the hardened abortion supporters,

              - and the hugely important “mushy middle” (undecided, uncertain).

        One motivation for creating PLPS is that the overall pro-life movement,
from national to grassroots, is not sufficiently penetrating the mushy middle.

        Pro-Life in the Public Square is an outgrowth of Pro-Life Waco. PLW
has delivered public square outreach since its inception in 1995. The
top-of-the-list was the Girl Scout Cookie Boycott of 2004. Relying on the
ongoing foundation of PLW, Pro-Life in the Public Square will assist and
provide funding for other local public square outreach initiatives.

​​​​​​​​​​        Public square outreach is one of several branches of the pro-life tree. Other branches at the local level include pregnancy care, sidewalk counseling, and prayer vigils. Another motivation for creating Pro-Life in the Public Square is that these other branches have grown stronger in the 21st century, while the public square outreach branch has become weaker.

        Pro-Life in the Public Square is unique in two ways. As far as I know, this is the only pro-life organization with “public square” in its name. This reflects the lack of emphasis on public square outreach. Second, Pro-Life in the Public Square may be the only national organization that exists solely for the purpose of assisting OTHER organizations.

         Why is public square outreach so important? In the two-plus years since the Dobbs Supreme Court decision, the trajectory for the pro-life movement has been anything but positive. I will cite just one disturbing fact: from August of 2022 (Kansas) to November of 2023 (Ohio), pro-life lost all seven statewide ballots on abortion. Many losses were by substantial margins.

        We must be self-critical about where we are as a movement. The way forward must include the revival of the public square outreach branch that makes penetrating the mushy middle its top priority.

        Pro-Life in the Public Square will do all it can to contribute to this revival at the grassroots level. Your support, participation, and prayers will be appreciated.


              John Pisciotta, Executive Director

                   Pro-Life in the Public Square (founded in 2024)

                   Pro-Life Waco (founded in 1995)

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