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501c3 Nonprofit Status

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       As your organization grows, you may consider obtaining nonprofit status from the IRS. The benefits 501c3 status are purchasing without paying sales tax, donations that tax deductible for donors, and enhancing the stature of your organization.

       There was a time when obtaining nonprofit status was arduous and expensive. Not today. The IRS created fast-track procedures for groups with annual budgets less than $50,000. You apply with the short, simple, and online Form 1023 EZ (rather than the 100+ page monster of Form 1023).

       The application fee for Form 1023 EZ is $275. You will be able to complete the form (only online) in a few days. In a few weeks, you will receive your answer, which will likely be an approval.

Having non-profit status is not super important, like having outreach activities every month. However, the path to nonprofit status is available.​​

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