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Find an Advantegeous Protest Site

Choosing an advantageous CVS or Walgreens site.

• Look for a strong traffic flow close to your sidewalk positions. You want to be seen and have the opportunity to distribute chemical abortion information flyers to travelers.

• A corner pharmacy location is a big plus.

• You will be “outreaching” from a sidewalk in the public right-of-way. If there are grassy areas adjacent to your sidewalk, you can set out yard signs. The 2’x2’ signs supplied free of charge by Pro-Life in the Public Square will work just fine.

• It is not rare to find a CVS and a Walgreens pharmacy across the street.

• A stop light that piles up traffic close to your sidewalk location facilitates distributing chemical abortion flyers and engaging in short chats with travelers.

• Check for opportunities for personal engagement and sign placement for the entrance and exit for drive-through customers.

• Sidewalk proximity to pharmacy parking may provide opportunities for flyer placement under windshield wipers and talking to customers after they park and when they return to their vehicles. These conversations can be substantial.

• For larger cities (e.g. Austin, Texas), a “Main Street” pharmacy brings superb customer and pedestrian interactions—flyers distributed and conversations of all types. PLW delivered one outreach on Congress Avenue in Austin, Texas. Near the infamous 6th Street. Pedestrian engagement was amazing.

• The parking and walk to the protest site should be safe and convenient.

• Good time slots are around the noon hour and the evening commute. Our sister organization, Pro-Life Waco, has used 11:30 to 1 PM and 4 to 5:30 PM.

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